There is a balance between summative and formative assessment processes and also some degree of separation between grades and feedback distribution
Not all assessment activities have to be graded. Short learning activities/questions (for individuals or groups) requiring a response can provide valuable practice opportunities and also feedback on students’ levels of comprehension.
Formative Assessment in Large and Small Science Courses (Interview with Dr. Jason Donev)
Formative Feedback in Online Graduate Courses (Interview with Dr. Sarah Eaton)
Assessing Students in Flipped Classrooms (Interview with Dr. Mohammad Moshirpour)
Assisting transition to university: using assessment as a formative learning tool: Ron Fisher, Jillian Cavanagh and Angela Bowles (2009)
Sustainable assessment: Rethinking assessment for the learning society: David Boud (2000)
Aligning assessment with long-term learning: David Boud and Nancy Falchikov (2006)
Core principles of effective assessment: R. James, C. McInnis, and M. Devlin (2002)