Unlike some other teaching and learning methods, you can implement portfolio-based learning in many different types of courses. For example, capstone courses, practicum courses, inquiry-based courses, and experiential courses are just a few classes that benefit from using portfolios as a form of assessment. While many of the resources and examples use digital, “ePortfolio” formats, this is not necessary for a portfolio project.
- Field Guide to ePortfolio: Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (Developed by over 50 experts in ePortfolios in higher education)
- Sample ePortfolio Rubric– University of Wisconsin-Stout
- ePortfolios Explained: Theory and Practice– University of Waterloo Centre for Teaching Excellence
UNIV 201: Global Challenges ePortfolio Interview with Dr. Robin Mueller
COMS 369: Communications Portfolio Project Interview with Dr. Lisa Stowe
ENGL 472: Literary Inquiry Portfolio Interview with Dr. Derritt Mason
Portfolio-Based Teaching and Learning: The Portfolio as Critical Praxis with Social Work Students: Jennifer Ajandi, Susan Preston, Jennifer Clarke, School of Social Work, Ryerson University
Use of Portfolio-based Learning and Assessment in Community-based Field Curriculum: Swaroop Kumar Sahu, MB Soudarssanane, Gautam Roy, KC Premrajan, Sonali Sarkar,