Assessment should include discussion about the assessment process between students and teachers to foster a learning partnership that can evolve based on student learning needs
Explain the rationale for the assessment strategies used and how the experiences of previous students have informed those choices. Similarly, a strategy for reflection and debriefing on the results of an assessment activity can have a strong impact on both teaching and learning decisions.
Universal Design for Learning (Interview with Dr. Amy Burns)
Student-Driven Discussions (Interview with Jonnette Watson Hamilton)
Effective Rubrics and Peer Partnerships (Interview with Amber Hartwell)
Student Generated Exams (Interview with Dr. Larry Katz)
Seven propositions for assessment reform in higher education: David Boud and Associates (2010)
From monologue to dialogue: improving written feedback processes in mass higher education: David Nicol (2010)
Rethinking Formative Assessment in HE: a theoretical model and seven principles of good feedback practice: David Nicol and Debra Macfarlane-Dick (2004)