Assignments Meaningful Reflections: NURS 503 Literary Inquiry Project: ENGL 472 Challenge Assignments: STAT 323 Using Video Assessments to Promote UDL Using Simulations for Assessments in Nursing Participation Policy: COMS 369 “I Can” Self-Reflections: SPAN 201 Multiple Means of Assessment: PHYS 321 Scaffolded Writing Assignments: SOCI 313 Reflective Student Partnerships: EDER 679.33 Ongoing Learning Through Assessment: MUSI 211/213 Twitter and Journal Reflections : ENGL 445 Learning Through Assessment: CPSC 217 The Tribal Method of Assessment: CMCL 301 Assessment in Block Week Courses: GERM 357 Learner Centered Assessment: BTMA 317 Formative Assessment in Large and Small Classes Using Student Feedback: ENCI 645 Universal Design for Learning: EDUC 430 Low Stakes Assessments: HTST 201 Self-Appraisal Paper: OBHR 493/793 Clear Assessment Expectations : ENGG 513 Specifications Grading: SCIE 511