What challenges do you face with your assessments? What goals would you like to achieve? Below are a list of 10 common motivations that instructors had for selecting their assessment methods, each with several specific examples from a variety of disciplines.
“I am teaching a junior-level or foundational course that is an important prerequisite for other classes. There is lots of content that needs to be covered and assessed.”
- Continuous Exercises: CPSC 217
- Ongoing Learning Through Assessment: MUSI 211/213
- Effective TA Training: PHYS 227
- Assessing Flipped Learning: ENGG 233
- Effective Exams: GLGY 323
- Foundational Learning: VETM 342, 421
“My department or program requires a certain percentage of the course grade comes from tests or exams. I want to ensure that students use the exams as learning opportunities and that they do not just memorize then forget information.”
- Low-Stakes Assessments: HTST 201
- Ongoing Assessments: MUSI 211/213
- Student Generated Exams: KNES 213
- Two-Stage Testing: BIOL 315
- Multiple Means of Assessment: PHYS 321
- Effective Exams: GLGY 323
“The main objective for my course is to have students synthesize information in a research or inquiry project. I am interested in exploring various project styles and formats to see which one best fits my students and the content/skills they are learning.”
- Structured Controversy: UNIV 201
- Math Inquiry Project: MATH 205
- Electrical Design Project: ENEL 400
- Literary Inquiry Project: ENGL 472
- Computer Game Project: CPSC 585
“Some of the learning outcomes in my course are the development of specific skills. I need to assess students’ abilities, not just their knowledge and understanding.”
- Integrating Technology into Assessment: KNES 201
- Self-Reflections: SPAN 201
- Learning Through Assessment: CPSC 217
- Scaffolded Research Assessments: SOCI 313
- Simulations for Learning: NURS Courses
- Ongoing Feedback: SOWK 699
“I am teaching an online/blended class or want to assess students using online methods.”
- Video Assessments and UDL: EDER Courses
- Website Development Project: EDER 679
- Peer Feedback: EDER 679
- Assessing Students in Blended & Flipped Classes: ENGG 233
- Online Assessment of Research Projects
“I am looking for simple, low-effort ways to improve how I assess students’ learning. I do not have time for a complete course re-design, but I want to make my course more engaging for students.”
- Two-Stage Testing: BIOL 315, ENPE 533
- Formative Assessment: PHYS 371
- Twitter Reflections: ENGL 445
- Student-Driven Discussions: LAW 679
“I am ready for a course re-design and am curious about innovative or unique assessment methods.”
- The Tribal Method of Assessment: CMCL 301
- Learner Centered Assessment: BTMA 317
- Neighbourhood Recommendation Project: ENTI 405
- Specifications Grading: SCIE 511
- Experiential Learning Without Grades: LAW 602
- Let’s Play Videos: ENGL 607
“I want to try using peer assessment in my class, but I need to find ways to ensure that students get value from the both assessing and being assessed by their peers.”
- Integrating Technology into Assessment: KNES 201
- Circular Feedback Method: UNIV 203
- Assessment in Block Week: GERM 357
- Peer Feedback: EDER 679
“I want to emphasize improvement and learning, not just final results. I want to give students consistent feedback throughout the course.”
- Circular Feedback Model: UNIV 203
- Scaffolded Writing Assignments: SOCI 313
- In-Class Formative Feedback: PHYS 371
- Ongoing Feedback: SOWK 699
“I want to encourage metacognition, self-reflection, and independence in my students. I want to create opportunities for students to self-assess and think about their own learning experiences.”
- ePortfolio: UNIV 201
- “I Can” Self-Reflections: SPAN 201
- Self-Assessment in Essay Writing: HTST 201
- Participation Policy: COMS 369
- Self-Appraisal Paper: OBHR 493/793
“I would like to use assessment strategies that promote inclusivity, resilience, and student choice. There are many different kinds of learners with different goals in my class, and I would like there to be opportunities for everyone to use their strengths.”